Michael Rother and Vittoria Maccabruni


Italian electronic musician and vocalist Vittoria Maccabruni produces dark, hypnotic soundscapes, occasionally threaded with her ethereal vocals. Her debut release, a collaboration with German guitarist Michael Rother titled As Long as the Light, appeared in 2022.


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Michael Rother and Vittoria Maccabruni

As Long As The Light

22.04.2022 Vinyl
26,99  Add to cart
Michael Rother and Vittoria Maccabruni

As Long As The Light

21. 01. 2022 CD
18,49  Read more


Michael Rother and Vittoria Maccabruni

As Long As The Light

21. 01. 2022 CD
18,49  Read more


Michael Rother and Vittoria Maccabruni

As Long As The Light

22.04.2022 Vinyl
26,99  Add to cart